November 1, 2009

Halloween Night

This is what Seth gives me when I ask for an action pose. He is so sweet. He was so tired because the boys and I went for a mile walk this morning, then we walked another mile and a half for trick or treating. We met up with Mom, Sarah, and Tammy with Jason, Rosie, and Mary. Honestly? I was exhausted. I haven't been sleeping the best and I have been walking a lot lately, so after trunk or treat being last night I just wanted to snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie. Trick or treating was fun though. Seth was concerned about his whip a lot of the time, so Tammy and I ended up holding it most of the time.

Jacob really would not keep his Yoda hat on, so I threw it on and got this picture before he ripped it off. He was so sweet. He walked almost the whole way. I kept offering to pick him up and the response I got was No, Thank You. I also offered multiple times to hold his bag for him and the response I got was I Got It. He was so worn out that around 10pm tonight he climbed up on my bed and put himself to sleep. I have been holding him until he falls asleep for the past few months now. I have been too tired myself to do the constant him getting up out of bed and me needing to put him back, so we settled with the method of cuddling, holding, or rocking to sleep.

Eli needs to train his brothers what to do in an ACTION pose. See Seth? Eli did really well and I didn't see much of him because he was in the front of the group and Jacob and I rounded up the back. It was fun.

At this house, Jacob was determined to kick the little branches that were in his way. I had to pick him up and walk away to make him stop. It really was too much fun. We stopped at a house from a member of my church ward who was making scones and had hot chocolate for everyone who came by. It was so great and a nice break at our half way point. We went to Gamestop to show off Eli's costume and the two guys working there were impressed. The boys felt great going there as Sora, Indiana Jones, and a Jedi. We picked up a couple cheap used games and went home to try them out. We headed down to Grandpa and Amanda Boyd's to pick up spoils from them which was so nice. They really enjoy visiting with Grandpa and Amanda. Then we went home, showered, and off to bed. As for me? I posted pictures, blogged, and now I will be laying down to a movie with some toast and hot chocolate.

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