November 9, 2011

Music that Fills My Soul

Well, this was quite a feat. I didn't focus on the recording as much as I should have, but it turned out pretty well. I have been having a hard time lately missing the ultimate choral experience. You know what's better than hearing perfect harmony? Being a part of perfect harmony. I miss the rush of adrenaline and emotions when you are singing with a group of people that are all passionately singing. They sing with such accuracy that you can feel the music resonating throughout your body and you can hear overtones. Those notes give such a thrill! It's like when you sing a note with perfect pitch by the piano, and the piano sings back to you with its strings vibrating for all to hear. I recently finish reading The Bells by Richard Harvell which just reawakened my desire for those feelings. The book made my cry several times. Sure, it had some emotional parts but I was crying for myself. I was sad that I hadn't been able to have those feelings for so long.

This recording actually made me feel a little fulfilled and a accomplished. It helped me to fill a small part of that void deep inside me. I am excited to record more and I can't wait to play more with it. It makes me wish I had better recording supplies, space, and program rather than standard program on my computer, a built in mic, and my bedroom.

I used garageband to record my vocals and imported the track to itunes. than took a video with iMovie and added the vocals in that program. After finalizing the video I posted it to youtube. It's so fun to learn how to use all of these cool programs that are right at my fingertips! The video is first and foremost for me and my family, but I do hope you all enjoy!