August 1, 2008

Tammy, she is such a doll!!!

They are all having so much fun together. Elijah is a very intense ninja today, so no smiles from him. Rosie is loving her extended family and loves playing with Seth. Jacob and Mary are also enjoying Rosie's company.

Jenn really was helpful last night and earlier today, but she needed a long nap.
Adorable Rosie has been full of smiles and she wanted to say I love you mommy. She told me, "My mommy is Tammy. Is she your sister? You love my mommy too." I agreed with her and told her I missed her mommy too. She said, "Yes."

Mom and I outside watching the rugrats. We didn't have a lot of time to get ready this morning, but we wanted to say hi.

"Hi, Tammy." and then he's back to video games. He was surprised how big Rosie Posie is.


Melissa said...

Hi guys! glad your doing well!

wow!! can i just ell you that Rosie looks EXACTLY like Eli but with long hair? I seriously thought for a second it was him and he had a wig on or something. It's seriously shocking how much they look alike, well at least in that picture--I've never seen her before so I can't say that she always does. but in that picture definitely.

Noelle said...

Yay!! You guys are alive! JK. Is it dumb to say that your kids look bigger? I know it hasn't been that long but they all look a little older. We miss you guys and I'm glad you guys are doing well! Keep posting!

stef j. said...

it's good to see your faces again!

Leah Remillet said...

Seth got a hair cut. Such a handsome little man!